Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Fa'iz Hilman's 1st Birthday 5 August 2007
August 5th 2007
The car birthday cake was bought by my Aunty Hawa to celebrate at Bedok and mummy bought Taz birthday cake to celebrate at Woodlands. Thanks all for the cakes and gifts.
Alhamdulillah the busy days are over. Mummy had a lot of things to do and a lot of hearts to take care of. Many people wants to celebrate my birthday. Mummy got her own plans but can't be carried out because we have another big occassion. It's okay mummy, you can carry out your plans when I am big enough to join the fun. Now I can only see but cannot play with other kids. And we can also invite abg Raqin, abg Uwais, Kakak Zaara, Kakak Kamilia, Kakak atikah, abg Abid and more friends. I was blur with all the singing and wishes. I heard so many people wishing me Happy birthday, so many people singing for me, even mummy has been singing to me birthday songs since Thursday. Mummy want me to get used to the song. Mummy even joked with daddy "Hilman don't like people to speak loudly. Seems like we have to ask people to whisper to him the birthday song instead of singing loudly." hahahhahahaha It was funny but actually mummy was very worried. She was worried that I will cry when people sing for me the birthday song. What la mummy?! I am 12mths old.. am a big boy! Everything turns out well for me and mummy but for daddy.. kesian daddy busy helping out at the wedding. {Hugs daddy}
2nd August 2007
We went to look at fishes at Chua Chu Kang area. We went to a few fish farms. Mummy took at few pictures and videos. You can check it out at my you tube and mummy's multiply. After the koi adventure and the bollywood adventure we went to buy gifts for my twin cousins. In the evening we went to buy snacks for Saturday mini birthday at Woodlands and mummy bought ingredients for lasagne for Bedok birthday celebration. We went home and in the evening daddy went to work. After daddy left, mummy wrap my cousins gift. Mummy slept at 4am that night. Mummy prepare the goodies bag for my birthday and did the bouquet arrangement for my Uncle.
3rd August 2007
Mummy cooked 2 huge trays of lasagne and broccoli soup. After cooking we went to Aunty Ita house to help to prepare for the wedding. At about 7.30pm we left Woodlands and went to Bedok to celebrate my birthday. We had fun! My cake was very nice. I hear people singing and I don't understand a thing. You can see my blur look in the birthday song video in Youtube. All I know I enjoyed playing with my twin cousins. They have a lot of cars. Mummy bought a race track for their birthday. They love it so much especially abang Bazlee. I had fun playing with their cars and blocks. Uncle Adam was there too to celebrate with us.4th August 2007
Early in the morning mummy cooked lepat pisang to bring to Woodland. After that mummy quickly get ready and we went to lot 1 to collect my birthday cake and we continued our journey to Woodland. After maghrib atok read some doa for me, sang the birthday song, cut the cake and the marharban group takes over. We left Woodland at about 11pm.
5th August 2007
Daddy left early to go to Bukit Batok. Mummy, me and bibik left later and we went to Woodland on our own. I wore the baju kurung. I think I look handsome. :) We watched the nikah and the rest of the day we hang out at Woodland. We left woodland at about 8pm.
6th August 2007
Mummy, daddy and myself woke up late. We were very tired. We woke up about 9.54am and the doctors' appointment is at 10.30am. Mummy woke daddy up to get ready to send me for my 1 year old vaccination and check up. The doctor said I am doing great. My milestones are very impressive. I can point using my finger to show what I want. I can even complaint to mummy about anybody. I will yak yak yak and point to the person am complaining about. I was cool at the clinic. Happily looking around and playing. I sat in the doctors room and let him check me. Mummy hold me tight and the doctor tickle my left thigh (actually the doctor wants to jab me). It was not painful at all. When I was laughing out of sudden the doctor jab my right thigh. UWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA it was so painful! I cried for a few seconds only. Mummy carried to keep me calm. Doctor said I can stop taking baby food. I can eat adult food. Yeayyy!!! Mummy let me eat Mc Donalds apple slices, a little bit of unsalted fries, one chicken nugget and an apple juice. Yumm yummm While I was eating I heard a song with a very nice beat. I began to dance to my heart content. :)
My ability and experience for the past 12 months.
- I can dance.
- I babble more vowels.
- I can say a few words- apple, fishes, tak, apa, blum (belum), flower (fl..), ladybird (l...dy..ird), bird (bert), babababa, ma'am, yes, yayaya and few other baby talk.
- I can walk more steps on my own.
- I can twist and turn my body until my stroller strap loosen by itself.
- Many people said I am hyperactive. Even a mother whose son is very hyperactive said that I am more active than his son hmmpphhh!
- I can put shapes in the sorter.
- I can put object in a container.
- I can close some container on my own.
- I can read books on my own.
- I can point out apple & fishes.
- I keep quiet when I disagree with mummy and daddy. I will say yes when I agree.
- I can take off my own pants no matter how tight it is.
- I know how to sneak very well.
- I know how to act blur very well especially when I did something wrong.
- If I get hurt due to my own fault, I will not cry. I will keep quiete.
- When anybody make me angry, I will pull their hair.
- I show affection by biting people.
- In my 12months life, mummy beat my hand once for eating paper. I didn't cry after mummy explain to me.
- In my 12 months life, daddy accidentally smack my face because I bite him. It happened 1 or 2 days ago. His first reaction when he was in pain was to smack me. I didn't cry after daddy explain to me.
- In my 12 months life, my major accident was to put my finger on the fan. Luckily it was just a cut.
- In my 12 months life, mummy major panicked about me was twice. When I cried loudly when the doctor in hospital try to put a drip on me and also when some spirit disturb me at night that I refuse to stop crying.
- I will keep quiet and listen attentively to the azan.
- I know how to prevent from getting caught. If I want to go to my room I will crawl quietly. If mummy calls for me, crawl back to her and smile. If she calls for me and after that she walks away, I will continue crawling to my destination. If daddy doing something and I want to play with his things, I will take his things quietly and go to corner where he cannot see me.
- I like to eat paper.
- I will take anything beyond my reach at the shopping centre.
- Last and not least...I still droolssssss......
The list can go on... to many things to type. In short my first 12 months is a very Happy Life and I am one Happy Baby!
Mummy has uploaded some video in you tube and multiply. So feel free to watch! I will continue later when mummy not to busy. Ta Ta...