Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Am almost 2 mths
Yeeehhhhaaaaaaaaa am gonna be 2 mths next Thursday (5 October 2006). It has been a great life. Eat sleep and bully my parents. I cry a bit they already on their toes to attend to me. I always ask mummy for milk. I always ask daddy to carry me and walk around. When daddy sits down, I will cry a bit hehehehee Now I poot poot give out gas while my mummy typing for me. Waahhh my poot poot so smelly.. why ah?Now Ramadhan month. Mummy and daddy fasting. But poor mummy she manage to fast only up to 2nd day of Ramadhan. When she fast no milk come out and very painful when I suck so hard to make milk come out. She feels so dehydrated. She don't feel well so she called up her doctor. Doctor told her not to fast for this year because it may harm her and me. Mummy very busy with me. Sometimes she don't even have time to comb her hair. She also have no time to use her skincare. When I wake up she got to give me milk. When I sleep she got to do housework quickly. When I wake up daddy carry me. When I sleep daddy sleep or do his things and sometimes help mummy.
Last Sunday granparents and Uncle Nazri breakfast at our palace. I also sit with them. Mummy carry me with her sling. After 20 mins she carry me, I pity her because she got to breakfast so I let her put me on my rocker. I stay there quietly for 10mins only. After I make noise again. Daddy kept on pushing my rocker to make me keep quiet. But I persevere. I make more noise so that my daddy will carry me. Mummy pray and daddy take care of me. I still make noise. Daddy don't know what I want. I don't how to talk so I also don't know how to tell daddy I want mummy's milk. Finally mummy came to me. Carry me. So I open my mouth and bite her blouse heheehhehe
I think I can recognize mummy and daddy. When I want milk I look at mummy. When daddy carry me, I can smell him and maybe see him. So I make noise make him carry me. When mummy say "Bismillaahirrohmaanirohiim" I will open my mouth and wait for milk. When mummy or daddy say "susu" sometimes I will stop crying because I think they are going to feed me. When daddy say "kaki straight" I will straighten my legs so that daddy can bundle me. Doctor says I am a mature baby. I am fast. I can suck my fingers or my hand already. But mummy always stop me.
The other day mummy put something on my mouth. I can suck on it. I heard mummy say "puting" but I don't like it. Suck.. suck.. suck.. still no milk. What for I suck? Waste my time. I still want mummy to suckle.
Last Saturday daddy took leave because he overslept. He forgot to on the alarm. So we went Ikea and Marina Square. Ikea only buy important stuff. Marina Square buy baju raya for me. But still not complete yet. I and daddy same colour. heheheheh Daddy also bought something for himself. Daddy bought polo t-shirt. All on very cheap sale. If not daddy won't buy. Mummy only buy a lipstick. Mummy already have baju raya. Aunty Hawa bought for her last year. But it is too big. When she go for measurement she did not know she was pregnant. But nevermind la just wear. Now no time to send for tailor.
Now I am drinking Similac. It taste nicer than S 26. Since I was born I had gain more than 1kg. Daddy feel tired when carrying me. He said his arm aches. Mummy use her sling. But still her back hurts. Aiyohhh ... what if I am getting heavier and my parents cannot carry me? Who will carry me? Will you carry me? I always vomit or reflux after I drink milk. Anybody know how to stop this? Most of the time mummy never hit by my vomit. I will only spurt out a bit of milk only. But daddy always hit by my vomit. Sometimes daddy change to 2 t shirts in a few hours or sometimes within 3 hours. Love you daddy :0)
Ok bye bye.. I have more photos.. u can go to http://atiah.myphotoalbum.com/albums.php some of it are blur coz I don't know how to sit still. I am always moving. Mummy always have a hard time taking my cute pose. When mummy have her camera ready, I will give her a blur look hahahahhahaha