Tuesday, October 17, 2006
My love Fa'iz Hilman,You are sleeping beside me. Mummy too tired to sleep. Today we went to IMM to settle some Tupperware stuff. We did not go there for ages. I think since I was 4 or 5 months pregnant. When daddy saw IMM, daddy muka jakon habis hehehehe. He was shocked. IMM extend to another building and have more shops. He said "Ini IMM ke bukan?" hehehehe ohh hubby ohh daddy krhekrhekrhe We settle some orders and I manage to buy a few stuffs. You wer cranky. In the cab you drank all the milk in the bottle. I know you wanted more but I don't want to overfeed you.
One hour later you were cranky again. When I carry you tried your best to reach for my breast. I finally let daddy bottle feed you. You only drank a little. Later you cranky again.
Whenever I carry you, you will start talking and telling me something. In other words macam membebel! hehehehehe When you make those noises I will respond back "okay, sorry, ya la, kecian, sayang Hilman etc" I will entertain whatever you are rambling and finally you will keep quiet. It happened many times but today it is so obvious.
At home daddy always talk to you. And you will respond to him. Anak mummy baru 9 weeks dah pandai membebel? Aniaya tul! hehehehe nanti bila dah tau cakap bukan mummy membebel kat Hilman but instead Hilman membebel kat mummy. hmmm ikut sapa eh? daddy eh? hehehehe
Today I felt that your legs getting chubbier. I feel like biting it right now. But you are sleeping. I cannot disturb you. As usual you kept on opening your eyes checking if I am beside you. hmm sleep pulak. nite nite love you..