Saturday, November 01, 2008
I love you
Dear daughter,Next week I will be delivering you by c-sect. You are in breech position and my having high blood pressure. Baby.. mummy very sorry. I know through out the pregnancy mummy have not been happy. It's not that mummy and daddy don't want you but mummy and daddy facing too much problems. We are facing so much financial difficulties up to the extend we rent out our house and we are living at our relatives place. Mummy tried to work in October but failed. Mummy was too sick and tired. Lately mummy has been feeling very tired. Life is tough. Maybe it is fated that women's life will be tough. All the challenges mummy faced during pregnancy is beyond my control. Daddy wants us to go separate ways and mummy still hoping he will change his mind after seeing you. I really love your daddy. I want daddy to be with us forever. To mummy daddy play an important part in raising children. I really believe in father's love. Mummy trying to change to suit daddy's life. But mummy can't stop myself from defending the truth. I have to do this to protect my children. I don't want you and your brother will get hurt. To me your self confidence is very important.
I hope whatever mummy gone through makes you a strong person. It is not easy being a woman. Well that's life. I am excited and scared to have you in my world. Excited to have a daughter but scared about our future. I believe you and your brother will make mummy a strong person. I really hope you will be a happy baby. I don't want my sorrows affect you in anyway. I know how a pregnant mother feels will affect it's baby. If things don't turn out well, I really blame myself and maybe partly I will blame daddy. But I hope I won't blame daddy. It's not my style to blame other people.
I have to go. I love you.
I love you
Dear Son,I am aware that I have not been writing for a long time. Too many things happened. Mummy have been sad for months. I have been thinking if I should always write happy moments or to tell you the truth even it is painful. After much thinking, I should tell you the truth because I want you to grow up to be a man. At the moment is 36 weeks pregnant. We are expecting a baby girl. But sad to say daddy didn't seem happy at first. A lot of pressure between us. Daddy wants me and daddy to go on separate ways. But I love you to much to let you grow up without a father. To me father's love is very important. I am trying my best to suit daddy's expectation as a wife. But I know I cannot be a nice wife anymore. Meaning defending the truth and protecting you when something goes wrong. From my point of view mummy and daddy are adults. No matter how difficult life is, we should be able to face it. But you and your expected baby sister are young children. You have no sin. You have no right to suffer. You should be enjoying life. Live as a kid. But whatever happens after I give birth to your baby sister, I vow that I will try my best to bring both of you up. I maybe away from you and your future sister often because I have to work. But we have to be apart because we need money to survive. Even if mummy and daddy still together forever, mummy still need to work because we are facing a lot of financial difficulties and mummy need to save money again in case there is an emergency.
Whatever it is I want you to know that I love you very much. Frankly, my health is not in good situation. I do not know if I can survive during delivery or not. But I always pray so that I can live until you grown up. I don't want you to grow up without a mother or father. Parents play an important role in a child's life. Past few months we lived with your aunty hawa. But things are too rough there. I don't want you to get sick or hurt all the time. To me your self confidence is very important. Now we are staying with uncle adam. But i don't know why, we are more broke here. Financially in trouble. Mummy will delivering your sister next week. I have no confidence in our maid to take care of you when I am away. Yesterday you almost hit your head twice due to her negligence. Lucky you know how to save yourself. Mummy & daddy enrol you to gym class when you were 6mths was worth it. Mummy definitely will enrol for your sister. You learnt how to fall properly and save yourself from hitting your head. I am glad you still remember how to protect yourself. Now you are 27mths old and yet you can still remember what you've learnt. I am so proud of you. Daddy did not see what happened. I just wished he saw all the dangerous things happened to you. I just want him to be more vigilant. You are only 27mths old.. you need to be monitored closely.
My son, Fa'iz Hilman, I love you very much. You are my strength for me to go on. You are the reason for me to live. Almighty God let me have you as a gift in my life. Now your sister will be around to make mummy more stronger. I love your daddy very much. I am aware that he can be very difficult and cold at times. Daddy have his own good qualities. Both of us start our marriage in a wrong direction. I was to engrossed in pleasing him and he was to engrossed in other matters. I just want you to know I love all our family including atuk hassan, nenek jun and all my nieces and nephew. I love you very much Fa'iz Hilman.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Me... me..

Mummy and I have been sick. I went to the doctor twice. Mummy went to the doctor thrice. Mummy is very sick. When she sick she tends to be grouchy & keep to herself. I have been enjoying myself living with my cousins. My first activity for the day will be playing with them. I no longer look for mummy in the morning. I will be going to school soon. Daddy said my birthday gift is to be able to go to school. My birthday is in 2 weeks time. I know daddy & mummy will think of something special for me.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Hilman latest pic..

Wednesday, May 21, 2008
21 mths 2 weeks old
Yeayyyyy I can speak more and more. Mummy and daddy always respond that what I am saying but I am not sure they understand or not.I can say:
gi shiop (shop)
what's that?
what's this?
play here
I can also identify more animals and things. Mummy always praise me for being helpful. I like to help bibik and mummy to do things. I like to serak-serak my toys too hehehehehe I am more choosy about food. Mummy upset I don't want to eat vegetables anymore. But I don't like it. What can I do? I still love fruits. At the moment I love nasi ayam & nasi beriyani.. yum yum.. I like rice with flavour.
I'll be staying with my twin cousins. I am so excited. I have friends to play with everyday. Some of my toys are at bedok. I think I going to have younger sibling. Mummy always let me play with her tummy. I am still curious what is inside my mummy's tummy.
Catch up soon!
Saturday, May 03, 2008
Oooooooohhhhhhhh ahhhhhhhhhh hhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm?????????
hmmmmmmmmm mummy tummy getting bigger. Mummy & daddy kept on saying I am going to have adik soon and I am going to be abang. Mummy always show to me small human picture... I think it's called baby. But these little humans no shame, always not wearing anything. Not even a diaper! I think mummy tummy 9 weeks old already. Mummy just found out she have something in her tummy on 29 April 2008. On 30th April I saw a lot of red liquid on mummy's dress. I said "eeee!" and pointed to mummy's dress. That's how she know there's so much red liquid. I think it's called blood. Mummy panicked and mummy called daddy. Mummy cleaned herself. Daddy came back from night shift work and he took a bathe. After that mummy rushed to the hospital with daddy. Lucky thing the little human being is fine. The heart is pumping strong.Am not sure if mummy is going to create a blog for 'adik'. Mummy always feels tired and sick. Mummy also stressed up to the max. There might be some changes. Mummy and baby condition may not be stable. We might live somewhere with mummy's sister so that somebody can look after mummy and me. We'll see how it goes.
As for me I have been an active boy. I drawn all over my house. I can say more words but still pelat. I really don't know how should I feel about having adik. I guess I may not understand what it is all about. Mummy did not get a chance to feel happy for some reasons. She is too occupied with something. But I know mummy love her children very much. Mummy always kiss me when I am sleeping. Mummy always admire me when I am sleeping. I pray mummy can remain calm with all the things she is going through. Love mummy, love all.......
Monday, March 17, 2008
Mickey Mouse Fan
Dear Son,On the 15th of March 2008 we went to Disney On Ice show at the Singapore indoor stadium. Daddy bought the $62 ticket. Daddy also chose a perfect seat for us. I was unsure if you will sit still or understand the whole show. and guess what... U DID ENJOY THE SHOW! You wouldn't even let us adjust or change your seat. You sat that on our lap concentrating during the whole show. But during intermission, you are your usual self. You run around the indoor stadium, climbing the stairs up and down and daddy chase after you. Mummy bought the $12 cotton candy and about $15 popcorn (can't really remember how much). You cried only once during the show. Thank goodness it was during the finale you cried. You were shocked to hear the loud explosion.
We bought for you Mickey & Minnie figurines and a colouring book. Daddy told me that when I was in the toilet, you stand infront of the souveniers booth and kept on looking at the figurines.
At home you kept on spinning and turning until you get dizzy hehehehehe. You were immitating the disney on ice character. Lately we did have a lot of fun together. During the school holiday Mummy didn't work for 4 days. We spent a lot of time together. Now mummy is looking forward for our first holiday trip... yipeeeeeeeeeeeee
love & kisses,
Sunday, March 02, 2008
I gonna be 19mths in 3 days time!
I do miss all of you. A lot of things. I just let the pictures & video do the talking.

hugs.. Fa'iz Hilman
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
A Mickey Mouse Fan
Last week I saw Mickey Mouse picture in the newspaper while daddy was reading it. I was behind daddy and I ran around the couch to look at the picture. Daddy was reading another page and I flip the newspaper to find the picture. I pointed Mickey Mouse picture to daddy. Daddy showed me Donald Duck and Minnie Mouse picture too. But I was not interested. I am only interested in Mickey Mouse. For a few days I showed the picture to Mummy. Finally Mummy and daddy decided to bring me to Parkway Parade to look at Mickey Mouse. I watched Mickey Mouse from 1st floor. The show was at Basement 1. Mummy asked daddy to go basement 1 so that I can watch closer. But I did not understand Mummy's plan. I cried very loudly when daddy pulled me from railing. I held the railing tightly. Mummy coaxed until basement 1 but failed. When I heard the Mickey Mouse song I kept quiete. Mummy and daddy let me take pictures with Mickey Mouse. Mummy bought the Mickey doll which more than $20 so that I can take pictures with Mickey.(Mummy da lama type.. tapi tak publish)
Monday, November 19, 2007
Thanks to Hilman..hmmpph! or ?
Dear Son,Mummy has been busy working. Sorry for not updating your blog. I do miss you. Sometimes I will miss you so much that I cried. But mummy got to do what mummy got to do... Since mummy stopped working, you've been very clingy to me. You are at my breast 70% of the time. Due to that I have breast milk again! I planned to stop breastfeeding when you are 2 years old.
Just a quick list of that what you can do by now.. you are 1 year 3months & 2 weeks..
- Climb
- Get down from bed and sofa
- Bite until mummy's arm blue black
- Baby talk (really long story)
- Waves bye bye
- Kiss
- Slap
- Punch
- Grab
- Kicks a ball
- Ride on your kiddy rides by himself
- Knock on the door
- Deep interest in fixing things.. he have spanner, 2 hammer, screwdriver, nuts etc Recently he tried to fix a switched off fan kekekekek.. kesian sungguh-sungguh dia.
- Sleep very late
- Prone to head injury
- Will shake his head when he refuse a food
- He love fruits very much
- Loves his daddy very much. Always want to menyelet.
- His favourite word "Yaben!" whatever it means.
- When bored he will say "jaln..jaln.. jaln" and stand near the gate.
- Words he can say (I spell the way he pronounce it) : da bis, some more, mamam, mainean, eva (my maid), nyenyek, dad, atouk, nak, nyaman
- When Hilman in the stroller and finish eating his biscuit.. he will raise his hand signaling he wants more biscuit.
- Learning how to put on socks & shoes.
- Musically inclined. Plays drum & bonggo well
- He likes to jump in the swimming pool.
- He immitates very fast.
- He knows how to switch on & off the TV and fan.
- He have a new sweetheart which is his Atok. He loves his atok very much. Will stop doing anything and run after his atok.
- Now he is tall and handsome. 12.5kg 85 cm
- Only wants daddy or atok to feed him bottled milk.
- He chooses his own toy.
- He chose his new shoe. He chose blue shoe and excitedly try to put on himself.
- He can unplug anything.
- Likes to dance
- Likes to feed people
- He likes spin cracker so much.. mummy & daddy always try to restrict him from taking too much.
continue later..daaa
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Hey All...Guess what?!! Mummy forgot which email to use to login My dear mummy has been too busy with work. Pity mummy. Usually she arrived at 9pm, rush her dinner and breastfeed me till I fall asleep. But now I am happy. Mummy no longer at that place anymore. The working hours to long and they are taking mummy away from me. Mummy plans to be a trainer again. Hopefully training companies will give mummy classes to teach so that she don't have to work full time anymore.
I've gone through a lot lately. I fell down too many times and hit my head. Actually this is part of the reason why mummy decided to work part time again. I've been through skull x-ray.. the mean big machine and I went for EEG... the big man pun tapes on my head and after the procedure I cried so loudly because he remove the tape from my long hair. Hmmmmm but I enjoyed the EEG sessions because I get to play a lot of toys and musical instruments. The kind Aunty who can sings very well, said that I am a natural drummer. The truth is Atuk taught me how to play the drum hehehehehe. I have a Bongo in my toy bag. Ohhh my results for EEG.. I am NORMAL... Alhamdulillah. Mummy has been very nervous about the EEG. Now she feels happy that I am fine.
By the way Atuk and Nenek stay with me now. Everybody are happy that they are living with us. Atuk and Nenek always entertain me and they help to take care of me when mummy is not at home or busy. Hari Raya was fine. I think we didn't go visiting that much because mummy was busy working.
I miss everybody here. There aren't much photo because our digital camera is spoilt. Only video function is working. Mummy is uploading some videos at you tube. You are welcome to watch me. I have grown up. I use size 6 shoes, 12kg and about 85cm. I can run and march.
Yesterday I bit mummy till her arm is swollen. It is a big patch. I went to Marina Square with mummy and daddy after the appointment at KKH. We had fun. Mummy so relaxed and daddy took leave just to be with us. Thanks daddy.
Hugs Hugs All....
Saturday, August 25, 2007
One after another...
Why all these happened? You knocked your head against dining table, you trip and your upper lips were cut, your 3 fingers bled and one of the nails chipped and lastly cpu fell on to your toes. All incidents happened within a week. Your grandmother was at our house since morning. I request she came over to look after you. She said you are indeed very hyperactive. No grandchild of hers is like you. You are the special one. With all the accidents, I decided to ask your grandparents to stay with us. I just want to work peacefully for our family. Mummy feels very upset about a few issues. But still mummy keeps it in my heart. I can voice out my anger but something worst may happen. For now I will try to keep calm. A quiet person is not always in the loosing end. Whatever decisions I take will be for your own good. I'll try my best in whatever I do for you my son. You are my strength to carry on with my life. *hugs*Sunday, August 19, 2007
Mischief: Biscuit
Dear Son,Sometimes I wonder if you ever get tired playing. Seems like you played whole day without any rest. While I was having coffee and bread for dinner you were walking around the house and heading towards my bedroom. I tried to distract you by giving one of your biscuit container. Later you want to the blue container. I let you have it knowing that both container were tightly sealed. You walk around the house with both containers and finally you sat down and play with the containers. I heard the banging sound and you were observing the container. Out of sudden I notice you were very quiet. I know you were up to something. I look at you and I saw you sitting on the floor. I feel funny but I assured myself that you were just playing with the containers. I finished my coffee and on the way to the kitchen I saw all the biscuits is all over the floor. You managed to open the blue container. I was shocked and I told our maid to keep quiet. I want to get a video of the mess you did. You can check out the video at I will upload it in youtube too. I took the video of you messing the floor and you were so engrossed that you didn't realised I caught you red handed!
Later I taught you how to salam. I held your hand and move my hand towards your mouth. The third time we practise it you wanted to bite my finger! Your 7th teeth is growing. Maybe you feel uncomfortable at gum area.
I love your mischiefs. I love for who you are and what you are. I love your smile, your laughter and I love you with all my heart.
*Hugs Fa'iz Hilman*
Friday, August 17, 2007
Am a big boy

Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Fa'iz Hilman's 1st Birthday 5 August 2007
August 5th 2007
4th August 2007
Early in the morning mummy cooked lepat pisang to bring to Woodland. After that mummy quickly get ready and we went to lot 1 to collect my birthday cake and we continued our journey to Woodland. After maghrib atok read some doa for me, sang the birthday song, cut the cake and the marharban group takes over. We left Woodland at about 11pm.
5th August 2007
Daddy left early to go to Bukit Batok. Mummy, me and bibik left later and we went to Woodland on our own. I wore the baju kurung. I think I look handsome. :) We watched the nikah and the rest of the day we hang out at Woodland. We left woodland at about 8pm.
6th August 2007
Mummy, daddy and myself woke up late. We were very tired. We woke up about 9.54am and the doctors' appointment is at 10.30am. Mummy woke daddy up to get ready to send me for my 1 year old vaccination and check up. The doctor said I am doing great. My milestones are very impressive. I can point using my finger to show what I want. I can even complaint to mummy about anybody. I will yak yak yak and point to the person am complaining about. I was cool at the clinic. Happily looking around and playing. I sat in the doctors room and let him check me. Mummy hold me tight and the doctor tickle my left thigh (actually the doctor wants to jab me). It was not painful at all. When I was laughing out of sudden the doctor jab my right thigh. UWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA it was so painful! I cried for a few seconds only. Mummy carried to keep me calm. Doctor said I can stop taking baby food. I can eat adult food. Yeayyy!!! Mummy let me eat Mc Donalds apple slices, a little bit of unsalted fries, one chicken nugget and an apple juice. Yumm yummm While I was eating I heard a song with a very nice beat. I began to dance to my heart content. :)
My ability and experience for the past 12 months.
- I can dance.
- I babble more vowels.
- I can say a few words- apple, fishes, tak, apa, blum (belum), flower (fl..), ladybird (l...dy..ird), bird (bert), babababa, ma'am, yes, yayaya and few other baby talk.
- I can walk more steps on my own.
- I can twist and turn my body until my stroller strap loosen by itself.
- Many people said I am hyperactive. Even a mother whose son is very hyperactive said that I am more active than his son hmmpphhh!
- I can put shapes in the sorter.
- I can put object in a container.
- I can close some container on my own.
- I can read books on my own.
- I can point out apple & fishes.
- I keep quiet when I disagree with mummy and daddy. I will say yes when I agree.
- I can take off my own pants no matter how tight it is.
- I know how to sneak very well.
- I know how to act blur very well especially when I did something wrong.
- If I get hurt due to my own fault, I will not cry. I will keep quiete.
- When anybody make me angry, I will pull their hair.
- I show affection by biting people.
- In my 12months life, mummy beat my hand once for eating paper. I didn't cry after mummy explain to me.
- In my 12 months life, daddy accidentally smack my face because I bite him. It happened 1 or 2 days ago. His first reaction when he was in pain was to smack me. I didn't cry after daddy explain to me.
- In my 12 months life, my major accident was to put my finger on the fan. Luckily it was just a cut.
- In my 12 months life, mummy major panicked about me was twice. When I cried loudly when the doctor in hospital try to put a drip on me and also when some spirit disturb me at night that I refuse to stop crying.
- I will keep quiet and listen attentively to the azan.
- I know how to prevent from getting caught. If I want to go to my room I will crawl quietly. If mummy calls for me, crawl back to her and smile. If she calls for me and after that she walks away, I will continue crawling to my destination. If daddy doing something and I want to play with his things, I will take his things quietly and go to corner where he cannot see me.
- I like to eat paper.
- I will take anything beyond my reach at the shopping centre.
- Last and not least...I still droolssssss......
The list can go on... to many things to type. In short my first 12 months is a very Happy Life and I am one Happy Baby!
Mummy has uploaded some video in you tube and multiply. So feel free to watch! I will continue later when mummy not to busy. Ta Ta...Saturday, July 21, 2007
I did it!
More videos..
Friday, July 20, 2007
Miss me?
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Why Hilman?
Dear Hilman,Since mummy started working you had changed a lot. Mummy feels very sad about this. It is used to be so easy to feed you and to put you to sleep. For the past few days mummy has been at home and I notice the changes in you. When you see mummy you refuse to eat, drink milk and you refused to sleep. Most of the time I have to be out of your sight so that the maid can feed you and put you to sleep. Mummy thought you've been difficult because you want mummy to feed you. But when I tried to feed you, things get worst. Why sweety? I am worried about your health.
What are you trying to tell me Hilman? I know you miss me when I am away at work but we have no choice. Whenever I am at home I always try my best to spend time with you. I always rush home to be with you. I put you as my first priority eventhough I have dozens of things to do. Most of my friends told me it is normal. Kids want more attention. I believe I've given you a lot of attention. I don't mind if you want me to be by your side all the time but at least please drink your milk, eat your food and sleep well. You not wanting to eat, drink milk and sleep makes me feel I have to be away from home more often. From you lips I can see that you are getting dehydrate. We've been giving you some Pedialyte but you still need your milk and food. Hilman .. mummy love you very much. Please help mummy. Please help mummy not to be too difficult when mummy is at home.
Love you Hilman...
Monday, June 18, 2007
10months Fa'iz Hilman's development & Hilman and the grass
Hey Sweety,Happy Father's Day
Dear son,Today we celebrated Father's Day. This year is the first time we celebrated Father's Day and Mother's Day. In the morning mummy felt sudden stress to do something for daddy. On Saturday, daddy requested burger to celebrate Father's Day. He wants a thick pattie and all the add ons. This morning mummy went to Limbang to look for the burgers but not available. Mummy went to the wet market to buy a few things needed for our maid to cook. After that I went to Lot 1 to hunt a simple gift for daddy. I wanted an engraved keychain. I thought of engraving your picture but it takes one week to do it. I have to find an alternative. The Kodak's shop assistant suggested doing a personalized frame but I felt it is a bad idea. I decided on badges. It was cool! It takes about 1.5 hours for the badges to be ready. I went to Popular to buy a paper to make it into a card and I search for an idea on how to make the gift unique. Finally this is what daddy gets...
Burger Feast! Mummy's late lunch. Daddy's second lunch hehehe
That's how Father's Day goes. Happy Father's Day Daddy!
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
At 10 months I have 4 teeth!!! Yeayyyyyyy~~~~~~~
View from my window...(mummy got nothing to write)
Saturday, June 02, 2007
Dear Son,Mummy feel so guilty leaving you at home and mummy goes to work. I find it difficult to work late too. My work mates have to go overseas to conduct training. I pray hard that I don't have to go out station. Whenever I see anything for babies, I tend to buy for you. I bought it out of guilt. I know I work to help our family and for you future, but I just can't help feeling guilty. Maybe when everything is okay, I will part time again so that I can attend to you often.
Yesterday I just apply for one day leave in August! That is 2 months away. My manager almost reject it because Monday is a busy day. I tried to change your doctor's appointment but I can't. I got to ask daddy to help. Daddy might send you alone to the clinic if I can't get my leave. My leave is approved but if I have to conduct training, I have to cancel my leave.
Only God knows how I feel. At work mummy always very busy. Mummy have no friend to talk to etc.. no kakis.. I am on my own. But it is better that way actually .. not much dispute will happen. But the work exam and work load is too much. I just feel I can't cope especially when there is family event. I really hope I can juggle. I hope people around me understand my situation. I have to pass all the exams in order for me to keep my job. I really pray hard hoping I will not have any problems that will affect my performance at work. Please please forgive me for going to work. Please love me even when I am not around. I love you my son Fa'iz Hilman